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Prehistoric Studios

About Prehistoric Studios


Prehistoric Studios was founded in February 2017 for a Connecticut College class called Entertainment Software Design.  This course is taught by Professor James Lee, a professor in the Computer Science Department.


This company was created with the vision of creating the best game of all the Entertainment Software Design companies.  We are looking to develop highly competitive and fun games, starting with The Caveman Game.


Prehistoric Studios utilizes the Unity Editor to create their interactive games.  Through the Unity, the developers of Prehistoric Studios program utilizing the C Sharp language.

People Behind the Scenes

Liz Malman

Project Manager

Tyler Wood

Chief Technology Officer

Matt Gaetz

Noah Landy

Creative Developer

Audio and Graphic Design


New Game Coming Soon!

01 / Competitive

The Caveman Game is a highly interactive game that pits two players against each other.  This fast paced game offers a new level of competition that challenges the competitors speed, accuracy, and strategic thinking.

02 / Fun

The most important aspect of a game is how fun it is for its audience.  The Caveman Game offers a platform for friends to compete in a friendly fast paced game.

03 / Primitive

The idea for The Caveman Game originated with the basic thought of creating a primitive game.  First of all, what is more primitive than a caveman himself?  Secondly, the competition nature of this game taps into the natural human instincts of survival.   


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